· Auntie Naomi and Espi came to visit for a weekend during our trip. You were shy about Naomi but took to Espi right away (again). Randomly after they’d been down for a day, you started saying, “Yaya?” which is what you called Naomi over Christmas. It was like you remembered her finally! Tooooo cute. It made Naomi’s day.
· Once again you were quite obsessed with the ocean and cried when we had to finish swimming. You and Espi played in the sand, splashed in the waves, chased the birds a new obsession? walked the beach and ate too much sand. You are a girl after your Mama’s heart – water, outdoors and sun! Too bad You’re as pasty as your father? Might you grow out of that? Let’s hope!
We went to stay at the Lake Superior Barn –AH-maz-Zing! You played and played with Nana, Papa, Gracie and your cousins. You took a trip around the trails on Mama’s back while cross country skiing. It was a trip Mama and Daddy will never forget. We were truly blessed by this weekend getaway.

· You were sick for a month. It was the worst month for being sick off and on. Mama is exhausted from too many sleepless nights and travels. Finally, I took you to the Doctor. They did a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia, lung problems, RSV, etc… it was one of the worst moments of my life. You screamed bloody murder, while being strapped into this contortion-like contraption and Mama held your hands. I had tears streaming down my cheeks. I pray you we never go through that again. You are finally better. Spring BETTER arrive in MN soon as we are FAR over flu and cold season around here.
· Aubrey and Auntie Jessie came to visit – you and Aubrey remembered each other and were ecstatic to play together. The weather was decent and you didn’t freeze too terribly. We visited to MN Zoo, went to MOA and spent a lot of time with Grandma and Grandpa. 

· Easter! We celebrated with baskets hidden around the house. You and Aubrey were quite excited to find them and play with your treats from Grandma and Grandpa.
· Three words: only.child.syndrom. Oh baby girl, someday if and when we have more children you will go through a BIG change. You firmly established your place in our hearts, home and life. It will be quite the shock of someone else taking up any of our time.
· You are constantly jealous of Mama and Daddy’s time and affection. If we kiss or hug, you are jealous of our interaction.
I am so thankful for you, Harper Kendall. I prayed for a child to love and care for, but I didn’t know it would be a love this strong. I didn’t know what motherhood would entail and it is far greater than I imagined. I know you were planned for me and Daddy. God knew what He was doing when He made you ours. You are a diamond in our rough world, in our imperfect family and home. You are the best spot in my life. I call you healthy, whole, wise and happy.
We believe:
You ARE smart.
You ARE beautiful.
You ARE important.
You ARE special.
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