Friday, October 12, 2012

Up All Night

Fun Fall Day!
When we watch Up All Night, Jeremy and I can’t help but laugh just a big louder and cry just a bit more because we wonder how the writers have so correctly duplicated our lives.  It started with sideways glances at each other.  Caching the other person waiting for a reaction about a scene or phrase used in the show.  Awkward laughter after Chris or Reagan did something that exactly mirrored a recent mishap in our lives.  Sigh… then, we just accepted it.  Now, we try to embrace it and when ridiculous things happen in our lives, we truly just wait for an Up All Night episode about it.
·         Reagan is fiercely competitive, she and Chris cannot handle game night, except playing on the same team.  I hate to admit this flaw strength of mine, but I shall.  Thank you to my Goodmanson jeans.
·         Chris is a stay-at-home-dad who left his job to watch Amy, he was previously very successful at his job.
·         Chris is now going back to work.  Jeremy, too is signing a contract for a new job… both, hesitation about losing their time with their daughters.
·         Reagan had issues going back to work and balancing motherhood.  Weird, I never felt like that.  Ever.  Ok, don’t judge!
·         Post baby realignment to life had its bumps for Chris & Reagan, but doesn’t every relationship?  Right?  RIGHT?
·         As Jeremy rose to daddy duties, he mistakenly stepped on this OCD, independent Mama’s toes.  Remember Reagan and the junk door?  We never had that fight.  We just fought about messing up the organized junk drawer.
·         Jeremy complains about the lack of POPS groups.  Chris struggles to find Daddies to connect with.
·         Remember the “couple friends”.  Yeah, we do too…
·         Baby Fever.  It comes and goes.
·         Oh home office.  Yes, it is interesting to have Jeremy “work” from home.  Sigh…

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