Monday, March 26, 2012

Hospital Bluuuuuuuues

Well, sadly Harper decided she either wanted to keep Hank company or she missed the doting care of nurses and made a short, but unfortunate, return to a hospital. Harper had RSV and was in Children's Hospital of Minneapolis for three days. Thankfully, not longer. Here are a few, sad shots, of our stay in Children’s. Here's Harper's crib. You couldn't go far away from the crib (only to the chair Jeremy is holding her in) while holding Harper because of everything she was hooked up to...

Let me tell you, seeing all of the tubes, etc... coming off/out of your baby is THE worst feeling. So, so helpless and heartbreaking. The worst part had to have been suctioning her throat and upper respiratory system. She screamed bloody murder, until she turned into the horrid state of stop-screaming-eyes-roll-in-the-back-of-her-head-petrified! Jeremy and I looked at each other and wanted to cry. It was horrid. Absolutely horrid. Here she is trying to calm down after being suctioned. Ugh!

I have to say one final note. I will be forever grateful to the Ronald McDonald House at Children’s in Minneapolis. They provided food, comfort, housing, etc… for us while we were at Children’s… and more so for Cari while she was there. There is a great sense of peace and comfort, which is essential for families with children who are in the NICU and ICC. What they are doing and provided is important and necessary.

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