Ok - so the nursery is definitely not complete... but it's in progress. Presently, Harper sleeps in her bassinette, wherever we are. In the living room during the day and our bedroom at night. So, her crib isn't set up in the nursery. We still have a twin bed in there. If you want to come visit, please do! :) Once Harper moves into her crib, the bed will go downstairs. The crib and our glider will navigate into the nursery and it will be complete! :) I will post "real" pictures at that time.
Here are a few pictures from my cell phone of the room. I'll post better pictures once we have it done, done.
Curtains: I had bright pink curtains purchased, but not used at our wedding. I bought the fabric and my Grandma added it to the curtains to match her bedding and the embroidery hoops on the walls. I made the pennant from left over fabric from her bedding and the hoops.
Blue bird night light - Target on sale for $3.29.
Lamp - originally from my parents, repurposed for Harper's room.
Bird house - from my church baby shower, from Michaels.
Green basket - from Target (holds Harper's head bands/ribbons!)
Piggy Bank - Home Good, on sale for $4.99
Dresser - my Great, Great, Great Grandpa's dresser given to me by my Grandma after she refinished it.

Grey canvas - $1.20 from thrift store, painted grey. Will have Harper's foot prints on it this weekend! :)
Bird house - from church baby shower, from Michaels.
"LOVE" - from thrift store, $.50. Painted blue.
Books - (amazing books, for any of you parents or parents-t0-be out there!). From a jbfsale (jbfsale.com). Bought by my mum for Harper!
Stacking rings - Melissa and Doug, Home Goods $3.99
Shelf - thrift store (3 purchased, $8 total)
You can see the quilt my Grandma made for Harper hanging on the back of the bed (matches the curtains).
Jeremy and I painted the trees on this wall.

Shelf (again from thrift store, purchased with two others)
Fabric hoops - bought from thrift stores for approx $4 total
Wooden drum - Melissa & Doug, jbfsale, $3.99
"DREAM" - Home Goods, $1.24 on sale!
Green bird - Kirklands, $2.99 on sale
Changing table - purchased with matching crib from neighbor (along with swing and high chair)
Baskets - Target
Baby mobile - Photo mobile from Target.com, $9.95, flowers from Michaels for $.49 each

Diaper stacker - made by my Grandma with fabric I purchased

Book shelves - Ikea spice racks, $2.99 ea
Canvas sayings - made by me, original canvas set bough from Home Goods for $4.49 on sale
Green picture holder - Home Goods, $6.99

This book is a MUST for new dads! Jeremy has scoured through it like no other! It's totally written for a man. Thi is how the intro is worded: "Congratulations on receiving your model. Before accepting your new baby, make sure all parts listed on pages 16-22 are in tact and in working order. If they are not, please contact your child's care giver immediately." One chapter is labeled "How to select and install a pacifier." :) It lays out everything from changing a diaper, swaddling a baby to feedings... it's fabulous! :)