And voila - here's the finished project:
How far along? 33 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gain 22 lbs, yuck!
Maternity clothes? Yup.
Stretch marks? Nope - PTL. Still lathering myself up often!
Sleep: I’ve had some really great nights of sleep (only waking up to pee close to 7 AM on Saturday morning – success!) and some really, really crappy nights. The last two nights I woke up in the middle of the night and was up for 1 ½ hours. Not cool once morning, or afternoon, come
Best moment this week: getting asked for the 10,000,000 x whether we are truly naming our baby Petal. My Great-Aunt stopping my mum in Sam’s and having a “chat” with her about our choice of baby name. J Glad everyone is truly concerned for Petal’s sake, right?
Have you told family and friends: Word is definitely out.
Miss Anything? Sleep. Sushi. Beer. (not much changes here)
Movement: Constant.
Food cravings: I really, really wanted sorbet last week. Bought a small tub and it’s been yummy in my tummy ever since!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Have you started to show yet: I feel ginormous!
Gender: Girl.
Labor Signs: No, well… not exactly. Braxton Hicks + blood pressure problems.
Belly Button in or out? Inny… yup, it’s still holding on!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: …does sleepy count?
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving.
Well, we’ve reached our first glitch in Petal’s journey to our arms beyond being breech, which she is officially in the right position as of yesterday!. I had my doctor appointment yesterday and everything was great… with the exception of my blood pressure. It was 160/90 (WOAH). So, the doctor is pretty concerned. He told me “I don’t want you to have your baby for at least the next two weeks.” Did he think that would help my heart rate?????? I sat there for a half hour so they re-checked my blood pressure and it had gone down to 130/80 – which is still higher than they would like to see it at. I have one excuse, okay two, that I can think of for my heart rate to be soo high. 1. My co-worker had just said, “Holy cow, Thanksgiving is next week?!” Which caused me to have a mini major panic attack thinking how close to Petal’s arrival we are. 2. I’ve been highly stressed lately with lots of things; finances, maternity leave, Jeremy and my relationship, getting the nursery done, cleaning my terribly messy house, making time to tour the hospital if Jeremy would ever be home we could do this, we’re touring on Wednesday finally, etc… On a positive note, I do not have any other signs that usually go along with accelerated heart rate that complicate pregnancy; blurred vision, dizziness, abdominal pain, heart pain, numbness, etc… so I’m thankful for that.
So, your prayers are greatly appreciated and needed. Really, I would prefer to keep Petal to myself for the six more weeks of my pregnancy but I’ll take three more weeks at minimum. I’d love Petal to bake as long as possible, but 36 weeks is truly where I would feel more comfortable with her joining us. I’m really trying to look to God for His wisdom, healing touch and direction. This is something I struggle with anyway, but adding the element of my un-born child’s life and her arrival is much scarier and almost harder in a way, for me to trust. I go back to the doctor next week, earlier than usually scheduled, and we’ll have an update then. I’m thankful that I am not showing any other alarming signs that usually coincide with gestational hypertension. Unfortunately, I do have family history of hypertension (outside of pregnancy – neither my mum nor Cari experienced gestational hypertension). So, that is a bit of a cause for alarm with my doctor as well… anyways. I am believing for God’s best for Petal and the few remaining weeks of my pregnancy.
Petal update:
She will not leave me alone stop kicking me stop moving! Which, I am very thankful for as that is an indication that Petal is her father’s child (by that I mean both the will not leave me alone and will not stop moving) healthy. We have almost 50 days until her arrival (OMG – I had a mini-panic attack just then!!) which, seems unreal! She is now larger than a large jicama, almost 17” long, 4 lbs and taking up most all of my middle section. I am She is gaining almost a pound a week (really, seriously? Is that necessary? Couldn't we have stretched that out a bit?). Petal has toenails, fingernails and hair (let’s hope – I didn’t have hair until I was two!!). She is finally beginning to “plump up” and look more baby-like, and less skeletal.
It makes me feel a bit crazy mother-like, but I’m starting to wish these days would last as long as possible. The idea of having her away from me for any period of time makes me get tears in my eyes. I’m jealous for her and she’s not even born yet. The thought of not knowing her whereabouts at any given moment, not knowing that she’s safely tucked away in my uterus care or that someone or something out there could harm her, makes me want to stuff a cork in “it” a crazy lady reach out to God to trust in Him and His protection for Petal’s life! But, the next moment I have a great desire to hold her in my arms instead of carry her any longer. I can’t wait to see her face, to what she looks like, to see and kiss her little hands and feet, to see her personality begin to take shape and learn the plans God has for her life. I can’t wait to see how much she will impact my life, Jeremy and our families... Then, I’m right back to keeping her inside of me, selfishly enjoying our interactions and her movements that only she and I experience… sigh.
A work in progress is DEFINITELY what the nursery is! The room is quite in shambles at the moment (ok - there's a twin be setting in the middle of the room, the closet is stuffed to the brim, the dresser and changing table are sitting in the hallway, our house is a wreck!). But I hope to get the last of the painting completed in the next day, hang pictures, get a new light, etc… and then finally put the furniture back in place. For now, it’s going to be a bit cramped with a twin bed and dresser + baby furniture (crib, changing table) in the room. But realistically, she will probably sleep in her bassinet until she is about 3-4 months and only fits in the crib.
Here’s a sneak peek. I took these last night, it was dark and it’s hard to tell the color that well. But the walls are a light grey. I hung the curtains my Grandma made up. I love how they turned out! Awesome. J
I cannot wait to get the pictures, fabric hoops, shelves, etc... hung up. I couldn't sleep last night. All I wanted to do was get up and start decorating. Absolutely ridic! But, this is the fun part! Where you finally pu the room together and see all of your ideas come into shape. I hope Petal loves how her room turns out. Because, it's been a lot of effort and thought put into it!
How far along? 32 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gain 20 lbs…? – haven’t weighed myself this week. We’ll see at the doctor next week! I assume it’s up and up!!
Maternity clothes? Yup. But, I’m still rockin my non-maternity skinny jeans. Finally, filling out maternity shirts/dresses with my bump!
Stretch marks? Nope - PTL. Hello cocoa butter, lotion and stretch mark cream. I see you twice a day!
Sleep: Lately – CRAP. Unfortunately, waking up to pee can be numerous at times.
Best moment this week: maternity photos with Cari Dugan. I cannot wait to see how they turned out. We ended up going to Tracy and Elizabeth’s house in Jordan and playing around their farm and with Elizabeth’s antiques. So. Much. Fun.
Have you told family and friends: Well known info.
Miss Anything? Sleep. Sushi. Beer.
Movement: Baby M is a MOVER! She’s gotten into a habit of waking me up at night.
Food cravings: Nope.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Beside Jeremy’s fond habit of fake vomit noises, nope.
Have you started to show yet: Feeling more and more massive by the day!
Gender: Girl.
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Inny… still holding on !
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: …does sleepy count?
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving.