How far along? 24 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gain 8 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yup, but still at this weird stage where I can’t really wear regular clothing, but maternity clothes are too big
Stretch marks? Nope - PTL
Sleep: Sleeping depends on the night. Some nights fitful sleep, others decent – like last night! J
Best moment this week: last week at Embassy Suites!
Have you told family and friends: Yes! Haven’t told my new job yet! Eeeek!
Miss Anything? Sushi, Beer. This could potentially be my answer every week, especially since football season has begun.
Movement: ALL. THE. TIME. Baby M is a MOVER!
Food cravings: Nothing really. I haven’t wanted anything abnormal this past week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope – thankfully!
Have you started to show yet: looking chubby for sure!
Gender: Girl. But, I’ve had several dreams she is a he since our ultrasound and our Pastor told Jeremy it was a boy this past weekend. OMG! Then I finished the mobile yesterday and Jeremy said it was great, unless we have a boy!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Last week – Sad (Jeremy was gone over a week)! This weekend – Happy! My husband was home!! J
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery finished. Just Between Friends baby sale on Wednesday with my sister and friend Kate.
Step 1. Buy mini fabric flowers from Michaels (on sale for $.49 ea!)
randomly on the mobile (bought from Target.com)
Finished product! It's hard to see in the light, maybe I'll try a picture in the daylight tomorrow...
Jeremy said to me (when it was complete). “That looks awesome, but it’s going to look really stupid if we have a boy.” Thanks Love.
Bittersweet is the right way to put it.
Friday, September 16th will be my last day at Embassy Suites Bloomington.! I’m not sure if there should be a period or an exclamation point for that sentence… so I put them both. Bittersweet it is. After six years of being faithful at Embassy Suites I gladly accepted a meeting planner position with CH Robinson. My office will be in Eden Prairie, MN. I begin my journey with CH Robinson on Monday, September 19th (Jeremy’s Birthday). While I am THRILLED about my new position and how God opened these doors; I am sad to leave the stability, ease and comfort of being in a position after 6 years! I’ve enjoyed the people I work with and all of the opportunity I have been given while at Embassy Suites. I still have to figure out the workings of being pregnant and starting a new job – i.e. how my new employer will take my pregnancy, how to work insurance (a bit stressful) – PTL their insurance kicks in after 30 days of employment, not the usual 90!, how to handle my maternity leave.
Also, in the world of change for us – Jeremy’s job. I’m not sure it is fully known, but Jeremy was laid of the middle of July. He has yet to find a permanent position. He is “trying” out a job working with some people who we know from church. He isn’t positive whether he will stick with this company or not. Please pray that God would give him (us) wisdom as we walk through these changes and decisions in our lives.
Also, I’ve love some prayer. J I’ve been lonely, lonesome by myself of late. Jeremy has been in IA – on the Omaha border “testing” out this job… leaving me by my lonesome at home. I’m fine with him traveling (he’s traveled our entire relationship), but it doesn’t get a bit sad every night by yourself + he’s gone on the weekend plenty often + we’ve had an “intruder”/peeping-tom in the area lately. CREEPS me out! thank the Lord for Sasha and her alert at any sort of noise around/near the house!
A couple side (prayer) notes;
1. Today my friend Rachel was induced to begin labor with her baby boy. Baby Fleig has a condition with his heart which the doctors are saying he will require open-heart surgery immediately after he is born. We are believing for a miracle. Rachel was induced because the doctors were concerned about his heart rate and lack of activity of the heart. Please pray for Rachel, Jordan and baby Fleig.
2. Earlier this week my friend Joya’s mom lost her house in the wildfire near Bastrop, Texas. Joya was born and raised in Bastrop and her mom’s house was consumed by the wildfire along with some 1,000 homes in the area. Thankfully, Tricia is safe and everyone is alright, but rebuilding and starting over is going to be a huge obstacle to overcome. Prayer for her would be great! J
Pregnancy. Along with all the joys, it brings a lot of changes to the body.
Big belly, big belly, big belly… I’ve never been so round in my life!
(side note; reactions to my baby belly: “It’s so weird, I’ve never seen you this big your whole life.” … “Aww you’re tiny” (stop it, no really – say it again!!! “Wow, you’ve gotten fat.” Thank you, dearest Husband of mine.)
Up 2 cup sizes (cough, cough). Jeremy hates this.
Regular clothing doesn’t fit. Regular pants I can pull up, but the button seems to ignore the button hole like they’ve never been in a fight before. With this ginormous boobs my regular shirts don’t hold ‘em! J
World War III inside by belly! Baby M is a M-O-V-E-R! She hardly stops fidgeting. It keeps me entertained and knowing that she’s growing well inside of me! J
Sleepless nights filled with strange dreams and bathroom trips.
Lots of love for Baby M!
Here we are... almost six months! Tonight felt like a true Fall evening. We spent the night with my parents and Grace, Cari, Nick and their kiddies, my Aunt Donna and Uncle Dan and their kids and Grandson Brayden. Had to get in a picture of Cari and I. (Although, I looked terrible after working in the house allllllll weekend long!). Unfortunately, maternity jeans aren’t fitting me still and regular jeans I have to g-rid ‘em. These are regular jeans with a rubberband + maternity shirt (they are longer) – that’s a hint ladies. Maternity shirts are longer and hide your unzipped pants!
This weekend Jeremy and I took one massive 5 yd trailer load to the dump for garbage and one massive 5 yd trailer load to be donated. If any of his past roommates are looking for something they might have left behind – they need to check the local thrift store or dump. Let me tell you, each roommate left a CRAP LOAD of... crap! Sadly, two and a half years of marriage later and we are just getting to this. But, if feels absolutely fabulous! A HUGE Thank you to my parents and Grace who came out Friday afternoon for a short while and Saturday for a few hours to help us organize and clean as much as possible! The baby room is now solely occupied by baby stuff + one twin bed. Our garage is clean and organized. Our bonus room under the garage is getting there. Ken (my FIL) and Jeremy are building two closets down there for storage - yay! Can't wait to put the 3 large bins holding Jeremy's baseball card collection out of sight! I have NOTHING to store. ;) We’ll put all of our childhood, holiday décor and my lovely event planning collection in to those closets.
"A change would do you good
A change would do you good"
Thank you Sheryl Crow!
I can't share too much yet, but I wanted to ask for your prayer and support. Jeremy and I have some major changes going on in our lives... beside baby "M" (as if that isn’t enough). We are really excited for all that God has in store and following His plan for our lives! Hopefully in the next week, I’ll be able to dish about this exciting news.
These are some things we are standing on:
“The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives.” Psalm 37:23
“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11.
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
Thanks for all of your love, support and friendship. We are truly blessed to have such great family and friends. J