· You “officially” have twenty words and twenty-two signs! Your favorites to say are “Sasha” and “Grandpa” and to sign are “all done”, “bath” and “water”. The doctor says your advanced. But, we could have told her that. hehe At first, Dr. MB didn’t believe us when we said all that you said and did – but you told her Goodbye at one of your last appointments and signed “thank you” and she almost fell out of her chair. You’re such a brilliant baby. I attribute that to my genes Daddy staying home with you for the past eight months!
· You tried to open every present under the Christmas tree and when it was final your turn to open presents it was like… Christmas morning! J You LIVED to tear apart wrapping paper and toss out tissue from gift bags. You were almost as thrilled with the wonderful presents everyone gave you. You are one spoiled blessed babe!
· You are now on-the-go! With your Christmas gifts of a walker and a baby stroller you have taken off! You also love to put anything in your stroller and walk around, whether it’s your baby doll, a book, the remote or lamby.
· You are your Daddy’s daughter! You make friends everyone, cause heads to turn (no, that’s Mommy’s daughter)., and are ALWAYS moving! Same as in my tummy, your little fingers and toes are moving at all times. You toss and turn in your sleep, I cannot understand the position you find comfortable – most often, on your tummy with your bum straight in the air!
· You are OBSCESSED with bath time! You are always going into the bathroom and either yelling or signing for a bath. You always cry when it’s time to get out. I can’t get enough of your squishy, wrinkly post baby cuteness. I kiss you til you’ve had enough. You now put lotion on your tummy and legs… maybe take a lick or two here and there. I always tell you it’s yucky but you have to double-check every day.
· You can clean up! Oh, Mommy has lived for this day. when we (or Auntie Cari) sing the “clean-up song” you begin to pick up your toys and put them away! How grown up are you?!
· Your precious heart has grown into someone caring – the other day I was sitting on the ground playing with you. You walked over and put your little arms around my neck and loved on me. Then, you got my attention by leaning around to look me in the eye, followed by the sweetest little pats on my back – I think you were telling me that everything was “alright”, that I should just enjoy my moments with you instead of worrying about keeping up with laundry or cleaning our house. You’ve also perfected the “nice, nice, nice – NOT nice!” except, you are, “NOT nice, nice, nice, nice…”. You have taken to biting Henry and then promptly patting his back telling him “Ok, ok, ok…” Watch out girlfriend, that boy is going to be much bigger than you in a mere moment you won’t be able to hold you own against him at that time! Eeeek!
· I can’t believe a year ago we were impatiently waiting for you to make your arrival! My, how the year has changed us and our world. It is so much better to have you in it. I constantly remind myself to live IN the moment and forget about what lies ahead. Enjoy every second I get with you, as it is few and far between. You are more than anything I could have imagine.

We believe:
You ARE smart.
You ARE beautiful.
You ARE important.
You ARE special.