· Your first Father’s Day! We got to spoil Daddy rotten. You hardly noticed it was a different day than any other, but – Daddy enjoyed it. J
· You’ve begun to eat! Which is exciting and scary – part of me feels like “it all goes downhill from here” – but not in a bad way. You’re messy and get distracted easily. Rice cereal is all you’re eating right now… but we’re about to begin real foods! Eeek!
· Your first (and second) flights! You flew with Mommy & Daddy to California. You got to meet Auntie Jessie and your cousin Aubrey for the first time. You were a breeeeeeze on the flights! You slept almost the entire combination of three flights. I was so very proud.
· Sharing is key this month. Aubrey and Henry have begun to challenge you with toys… you fight back. J
· Your first visit to the beach and the ocean! You got sooo extremely cold. But screamed your eyes out when Mommy said enough and took you out to warm up. Sigh… you’re a child after my own heart.
· You no longer want to be coddled at nap time. L this isn’t a fun one for Mommy. Daddy doesn’t mind, because it gives him a bit more freedom. Mommy loves every cuddle I can get from you… but alas, you must grow up sometime, right?
· You. Hardly. Hold. Still. I am apprehensive of your crawling at full-speed, which is just around the corner. You are always on the go as it is! What will we do when you are really mobile!
· Child of mine, you are so very social. You loooove other kids and babies. You watch and learn everything that is happening… which I haven’t decided is a good or bad thing yet. We just will have to surround you with always positive and uplifting things, right?
· You like rice cereal. You love carrots. You eat peas because you’re hungry, but I don’t care for them. You love broccoli. It gives you terrible gas… but you still love it.
· You’re getting so big! You’ve begun to run about the house in your walker. Backwards was mastered instantly. Going forward or directing yourself is still a challenge. You love to join Mommy in the kitchen while she is cooking… I love having you at my side. I can’t wait for the day when we bake together.
I am so thankful for you, Harper Kendall. God has taught me patience, kindness, forgiveness and given me very subtle reminders that His mercies are new every morning. I can’t believe this world would be complete without your existence. I hope you know how much love and happiness you bring to everyone. Random people are blessed by your light and smile. You literally light up every place you go… I know that God had an amazing plan for your life. I pray daily that you would follow in His plan and learn His ways.
I call you are healthy, whole, wise and happy.
We believe:
You ARE smart.
You ARE beautiful.
You ARE important.
You ARE special.
You ARE the best!